In the wake of a global pandemic that left a lot of great conferences as relics of the 2010s, it’s always a great feeling to see some old favorites rise from the ashes. When Laracon announced its 2024 conference would be held in Dallas (and thus eat up a lot of Texans’ conference budgets), the organizers of Longhorn PHP decided instead to focus their efforts on helping another great community conference, Cascadia PHP, get back on its feet. Cascadia PHP will be holding its first event since 2019, and I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been accepted to give two talks at Cascadia PHP 2024!
Tag: Documentation

In the before times, I was fortunate enough to have been invited to talk about automated testing at Longhorn PHP 2019. During my trip, I walked around Austin, dined with friends, drank in a Whole Foods, and had a blast doing karaoke.
They were simpler times. Better times.
While my memories of 2019 set a high bar, I’m going to try to have an even better time this year while I talk about documentation at Longhorn PHP 2023!

Grand Rapids is one of my hands-down favorite cities in Michigan, and I’m absolutely bummed that I haven’t been there since I spoke at WordCamp Grand Rapids a few years ago. Luckily, that’s about to change, as I’ve been invited to give I’d Like to Write the World Some Docs this June at Beer City Code 2017.
This spring, I head south to the Dallas-Fort Worth area for my first Lone Star PHP conference, where I’ll be premiering two new talks: Computers <3 Structured Data and I’d Like to Write the World Some Docs.