Steve Grunwell

Open-source contributor, speaker, and electronics tinkerer

Tag: Grand Rapids

The Ledyard Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Confidently Testing WordPress @ WordCamp Grand Rapids 2019

Grand Rapids is one of those towns I just can’t get enough of: hot on the heels of Beer City Code 2019, I’m excited to announce I’ll be returning to Grand Rapids for WordCamp Grand Rapids 2019!

I’ll be giving my Confidently Testing WordPress talk, which has been making the rounds this year (it’s almost as if people need a bit of help getting into testing 🤔)

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The Ledyard Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Code Review @ Beer City Code 2019

Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to speak at Beer City Code for the first time. I’m pleased to announce that this summer I’ll be returning to one of the best cities for craft beer in the country: Grand Rapids, Michigan.

This year, I’ll be giving one of my favorite, most-actionable talks: Code Review: For Me & You.

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Various woodworking tools hung on a woodshop wall

Lightning Talk at WordCamp Grand Rapids 2018

I’ve written in the past about my love for WordCamp Grand Rapids, and I’m excited to announce I’ll be returning this year for WordCamp Grand Rapids 2018 on Saturday, June 30! Even better, I’ll be joining two of my colleagues — Chris Lema and Andrew Norcross — as Liquid Web (apparently) takes over the conference!

The theme for WordCamp Grand Rapids 2018 is around tools and services (an area I’m particularly passionate about), so I’m especially excited. This year, I’ll also be giving my first-ever lightning talk, Up and Running with WP-CLI.

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Computers <3 Structured Data at WordCamp Grand Rapids

August 2014 was a big month for me, professionally speaking: I was accepted to speak at WordCamp Grand Rapids, my first out-of-state WordCamp. Grand Rapids was where I saw my first talk from Chris Lema. It’s where I met my friends Cate, Topher, Brian, and Chris (who’s also responsible for me joining Untappd), who collectively convinced me to bite the bullet and apply to distributed teams, which landed me at 10up. Topher and Cate sat with Kim and I at the after-party, regaling us with stories of raising a family in a household with one parent working remotely full-time; the DeRosia’s — whether they know it or not — are a big part of why Kim and I were ready to bring Emily into the world.

After the conference, Kim and I drove the five hours back home to Columbus in her uncomfortable, silver Honda Civic. I looked forward to the next WordCamp Grand Rapids, to seeing all of my new friends again.

Fast forward a year, and WordCamp Grand Rapids didn’t happen in 2015. 2016 wasn’t in the cards, either, and I was left wondering if I’d ever get to use Grand Rapids as an excuse to return to Beer City, USA.

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The Ledyard Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan

I’d Like to Write the World Some Docs @ Beer City Code 2017

Grand Rapids is one of my hands-down favorite cities in Michigan, and I’m absolutely bummed that I haven’t been there since I spoke at WordCamp Grand Rapids a few years ago. Luckily, that’s about to change, as I’ve been invited to give I’d Like to Write the World Some Docs this June at Beer City Code 2017.

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Be excellent to each other.