Steve Grunwell

Open-source contributor, speaker, and electronics tinkerer

Tag: Institute for Non-Profit News

Banner image from the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN) Labs' website

Code Review @ INN Labs Office Hours

Last weekend, I premiered my Code Review: For Me & You talk at WordCamp Dayton; while I was certainly pressed for time, I feel the talk went rather well. Unfortunately, the WordCamp Central-provided lavaliere mics weren’t working, so I was warned the morning of that while the sessions would still be recorded, the only audio input would be what was picked up by the on-camera microphone (in the back of the room).

On Twitter, Ben Keith — News Application Developer at the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN) — asked if there would be a publicly-posted recording, and I had to break the news that if the video makes it to the audio will likely be subpar. Ben then invited me to give the talk at one of their upcoming INN Office Hours, which just so happens to be this week!

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