Steve Grunwell

Open-source contributor, speaker, and electronics tinkerer

Tag: Filters

The WordPress TinyMCE editor, modified so the block formats read "put whatever you want in here"

Customizing the WordPress TinyMCE Block Formats

This morning, I was scrolling through Twitter as I tried to wake up (as I do most every morning), when I came across a tweet from the wonderful Carrie Dils asking how to customize the WordPress TinyMCE block formats.

“That’s funny,” I thought to myself, “I used to do those customizations on client sites all the time. In fact, some of those customizations are even in my (now-abandoned) WordPress Starter Theme repo on GitHub!

I was able to throw together a quick gist to demonstrate how to pull off a <code> block format, but doing so reminded me how much of a struggle it was to figure that all out to begin with. In the interest of helping everyone else configure TinyMCE, here’s a quick breakdown

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Two Talks @ WordCamp Columbus

WordCamp Columbus will always have a special place in my heart (I became interested in speaking after attending WordCamp Columbus 2012), so I’m proud to announce that I’ll be returning to the WordCamp Columbus stage this August with two talks.

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Be excellent to each other.